Local Brew


What We Do When We Are Happy

Yes...We dress up when we are happy...even when we go to the mall..Which is just 5minutes away from my house*literally* Our love for vintage just keeps us sane..We feed off Fashion :)

Introducing the fam
Twinnie :) Neo Nzinga Gaobone

The FriQue and The Twin :)

While we go raid our mums and grannies pile of old skool clothing..Let the fashion Phrique in u owt :)..xx

Winter Warmer

So twinnie is in town and we dressed up to go out,watch the game(which ended while on our little road trip)..On the way just in one of the Engineering And Technology school we saw a really cool spot with old cars,rust and grass and we couldn't help but stop and have a mini shoot :)

Ohh yes we love to dress up..Fashion is our fix :)