Local Brew



On a rather slow Friday and me feeling lousy and grumpy I brought my new love along.
The sun was scorching and you know how it gets in Botswana when it's hot..Walking around school with my two companions we noticed that a lot of people (well lets say a few but enough to say a lot) were wearing WHITE.Then it struck me..Ohhhhh..It's hot and the only way to block the sun is by wearing something that doesnt absorb too much heat :) and keeping it simple always works best..

Spotted: ITSENG KGOMOTSO (Model//Student)

White Blouse//Blue Jeans//Pumps//Shades//

Spotted :KAONE MONAMODI (Model//Student)

White Tee//Blue Jeans//Shades//Pump//Bag

Complimentary colours..Simple Yet Stylish

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