Local Brew


Two Days Before 22

So Friday i somehow bunked class...*Peer Pressure* then ended up in Riverwalk with my friends,favourite cousin and their friends..It was unplanned so we ended up chilling by Linga Longa.I was there for one drink because i was broke, next thing i know im on my third drink and drinking wine with Kaone paid for by Neo.Yah neh!!As time went, we are there chatting, reading magazines and posing!!So everyone has their smartphone and im there with my "Simcard Holder" with no care in the world :) After all, as i like to tell them..You text, i reply..As the sun sets a new plan is made and im slightly tipsy.We bump into a friend who drops us off in Man Mall were we got Hotwings and waited for another friend..While waiting, a snazzy car passes and we jump in it..All we wanted was a spin in the car!!Hello!!Its summer...We wanted to feel the wind blowing..Its already 7pm and i feel that im getting rather drunk..We get dropped off in Phase II.*Small world* we bump into people we least expected to see..Oh well!!There is alcohol in the house..So drink up.Next thing i know im drinking Southern Comfort like its the end of the world..Time is moving at a rather slow pace and i foresee darkness..I keep drinking!! So i hear i threw up *there are pictures to prove it ::) * and i passed out.My last memory is when i got home laughing at 00.00 and that was it..Oh!!i only got home with no top on..Hahahahah!!What a night....:)

Toast To The Future :)

Refilwe Behind The Bottle

My Beautiful Friend Kaone

Twinnie Neo And Friendie Oneh :)

Deep In Fanta Thoughts : Bertina And Refilwe

The Left Boobie And The Nipple :)

Oneh And Maips

Here We Go Again


Soaked In Thoughts

Hahahahahaha!!And Kaone Just Had To Snatch The Book

Oh!!Yes YoU Did!!


Last One For The Road

City Lights #YOLO

And As The Nights Fades.......Life Goes On!!

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