Local Brew


I Groom Friques

Live and Breathe Fashion

They say charity begins at home..It depends though cos we can grow and be sumthin else...I turned out to be good....at what i love....Fashion....:) Nothing makes me happy than fashion and love..

Here are a few pics i took with my lil sisters..I hope they grow and be stylish as m'wah...

Models: Yaone Kutjwe and Naomi Kutjwe
Stylist: Tshepo-Losika Kutjwe

Naomi[L] and Yaone [R]

The girls rocking the look like they are being paid...
If you on that colour blocking tip like Yaone in the ooohh-soo colourfully blocked  shirt. Then you gotta wear it with attitude.Keep the look simple or minimal with blacks and browns...

A blouse is a must have....Especially a vintage inspired blouse..You can team it up with a formal skirt but here Naomi played with it, because she is young we kept the look funky thus the striped pink skirt and the colour blocked shoes :)

They can only learn from the best :)

Yah ne.....posing can be a lot of work...

We going places_______________