Local Brew



So i made my way to the ABSOLUTE THURSDAY event only because KHULI CHANA was going to be there.Had my camera with me though my flash was working i must say i took pretty cool pictures.Especially the ones that had meaning.Well_i mean..i took people that i felt looked really cool :) So yeah_Here it is!

SLUSHY SLUSH: if you dont know Slush Apparel by now_Well...I wont say much...

EGOMusic_Live :)

Xtra_Fly and MrKKK

Rocking SlushApparel

LEATHER : For those cold nights_get those leather jackets we stashed away after winter and rock emt to keep warm!Trust me,they are a must have this season.Whether brown or black wear them with style!

PRINTS : I have to admit that i have'nt seen so many prints in a night that at Absolut Thursday.Girls all over the place in their printed leggings and the guys did'nt shy away from printed t'shirts aswel.

One of the FRESHMEN guys..Print + Leather


My best dressed guy for the night:Mehla :) No_one gets away with different shoe colours_In this case.He did!!

Camouflage is on this season.Rock that military look like you own the army!

Accessorise with those statement pieces..

We could  make stylish kids :) *Jokes*

FreshMen and Buddies...Fun people!!

xx...Remember_Stay stylish...

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