Local Brew



I've loved Khuli Chana since his Morafe days and when i heard he was gon be in town i was over the moon.He's been in Botswana for a couple of times but i dont know why i never went to one of his shows.So much for loving someone :) I had to make up for it.After i dont know how many years i had to make sure i was there at the First Experience. So i happened to be in Francistown that day.Sunday the 1st.Boarded the bus around 13.30 thanx to Newii for stalling cos she diidnt want me to leave..My phone is off..No communication for the next five hours.Tickets have been purchased and in Gabs waiting to be collected.Thats how much i wanted me some Chana.I got in town around 19.30 and didnt waste time.Outfit was already planned out :) Phone on, collected my pass waited for the girls...Or rather Khuli Chana..I must say people really looked good.Bumped into some who rocked..xx




Must say i had a helluva night!!Sadly i couldnt post all the pics because...umh yeah well..My memory card got lost before i could finish editing this post... :(

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