Local Brew


Express Yourself >>>> The Orange Way

So Orange Botswana decided to throw a gig(if i shud call it that) to launch one of its latest products named S'Cool...And to thank its loyal customers for sticking with them through no network and freebies..:) And guess what..Everyone was invited and it was fo FREEEEE!!MAHALA!!! And the interesting part is....They brought in Zinhle and AKA....Who would miss out on a Free show...?? *Not Me* My camera came out to play and i must say..i had a helluva goodtime ...Before passing out :)
Calling the crowd to the dancefloor with Ms_Pru

Her Majestic Hands

Dj Zinhle

Bert,Karabo,Ellen and I Expressing Ourselves
AKA Rockin A Zebras T >> DOPE
Well!The Lady in orange caught the camera lens :) Love her style
AKA on stage..
ME and Bert :) I sure was havin a good tym
Well!I can neva say no to a picture
AKA was clearly havin a good time
Spotted : My sista from anatha mother  >> Tsholo Dikobe
Arent they just Adorable :) Zandile And Thuli
Spotted  >>> Numan And Waboraro
Spotted  >> Tebatso Kgakge And Oneal :)
Spotted >> T-Izzy
Groovysouls' Eddy
Self Expression

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